
Welcome to the immersive world of EJULA

A captivating group game with subtle strategic game play.

A game of strategy, seizing opportunity, adaptability and highly replayable.

2-8 Players | 30-60mins | Age 10+

1 winner’s trophy
6 dice
8 snail meeples
100 Action cards (55 ability cars + 45 scenario cards)
Small pad of blank paper
A bunch of salt cubes (at least 25)
XP Tokens (10 x 2XP; 10 x 3XP; 10 x 5XP; 5 x 10XP)
Race Board (Double sided)
8 (double sided) Aide Memoire Cards

A tabletop board game set on the mystical undergrowth of the moon, Titan.

2 to 8 players compete to be the ultimate gastropod.
Be the fastest, most elusive, ruthless and/or most cunning racer
Achieve this and be crowned champion.

Who is the ultimate gastropod?
To resolve this question a race has been declared.

Be the first snail to secure the Central Arena OR be the last gastropod crawling and be crowned CHAMPION!
Who can win this epic race!?!

On Your Marks…Get Set…

However, be careful!
In a bid to gain an advantage and secure victory, all gastropods have had the same idea and hidden treats along the track.
Beware of the track too. A changing terrain filled with challenges, portals  and hope.

Best of luck to all competitors…


A race has been declared in the undergrowth of Titan. Be the first snail to secure the Central Arena OR be the last gastropod crawling and be crowned CHAMPION EJULA.

*** image of board laid out***

Who can win this epic race!?!

“On Your Marks…Get Set…Go!”

  • 1 player (Solo Mode)
  • 2-3 players (Pod Mode)
  • 4-8 players (Melee Mode)
  • Teams Mode